Are you an Entrepreneur or Executive who could benefit from powerful, trusted, and (in)genius collaborator?

Michael Jay Moon,
Advocate of your best
Sometimes driving alone
just comes up short
Leaps of Faith
Are you a corporate executive or who must now execute a career pivot into the Startup Economy?
Are you an ambitious consultant or coach who must monetize your intellectual capital?
Are you an entrepreneur in residence at a mature enterprise who must launch an internal startup?
Are you a co-founder of a high growth-potential startup who must de-risk multiple business models, win funding, and launch into a beachhead market?
Are you a CXO of a growth firm who must continue scaling without destroying the soul of your startup?
Are you the owner of a successful small businesses transforming into an all-digital operations?
Are you a thought leader who must operationalize an entrepreneurial solution on a massive scale?
The wisdom, perspicacity,
The unusual power to see through, comprehend, and explain situations that are difficult, not obvious, or puzzling; from the Latin word perspicere: "to look through" or "to see clearly.”
and good sense of what you should ignore,
defer, out-task, delegate, or just do yourself
How might you benefit from a GISTICS collaborabory ?Blended online and physical "collaboration laboratory" which, in paired-development sprints, we co-create 5-times more progress when compared to working alone.